Mon. Dec 9th, 2024

Add breaking news content about Why rescheduling will happen in the US in English and add many SEO tags on the content

Huge companies benefit from legalize mj in Usa. So they give money to both democrats and republican so they can get what they want. It´s harder for them to get enough employes if mj is in the same category as Fentanyl, Meth, Heroin, Lsd (which all agree, it´s a joke) . Other polls on this forum shows stronger support for than against with a big margin. But the US is all about the money, and they lose a lot in missing taxes.

Home depot


And from an Orwellian point of view, the goverment wants mellow citizens. Everybody wins and like 7% are hardcore against.

View by Fantastic-Joke9960

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