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FreedomCanada2025, Member of the Conservative Party and Deputy Leader travels to Alberta.

"Good evening Fort McMurray! This evening I look forward to discussing the Mental Health, Recovery, and Addictions plan our party has set in place for policy in the upcoming election.

Since this Liberal government has been in power, or really since safe supply has become a policy used in Provinces many Canadians have seen more loved ones fall ill or die to drug overdoses, many have lost their livelihoods, and now Canadians look to government for answers. Our party recognizes this issue which is why Conservative leader hayley-182 has promised if elected to allocate 2 billion dollars towards psychiatric and rehabilitative care centers to provide Canadians with a chance to get clean, sober, and develop new skills for the real world.

We are the only government to release life changing policy in regards to addiction, and with our three care centers starting with Dual Diagnosis Care Centers Canadians struggling can enroll for treatment if suffering from either mental health, or substance abuse. Large facilities will also have dedicated psychiatric and substance abuse wings for further support and additional unit for dual diagnosis.

The next care center will be Psychiatric Hospitals. These hospitals will range from small to large depending on population size, inside of the hospital programs will be in place to help find employment, develop new skills, and grow skills to make more money, and afford a living.

Rehabilitative facilities will have similar options, providing Canadians with access to assist those suffering from substance abuse to get clean. Furthermore small to large facilities will be spread out across Provinces and the country to help Canadians struggling develop new skills and find employment.

This will be a big deal for Canada, results from Alberta have shown significant decreases in opioid related deaths by 55%! (1) This is great news for Canadians, and this is progress that getting clean works, and saves lives. This is why this program can be so powerful. I encourage that if this policy becomes law that Provinces get on board as our plan is to help Canadians across the country with our recovery process.

Link 1: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/opioid-deaths-alberta-health-addictions-1.7310071

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