Wed. Jan 15th, 2025


BF’s Mom Didn’t Want Me to Have the Baby: Exclusive Interview Reveals Shocking Details

In a stunning revelation, sources close to the situation have confirmed that BF’s mom did not want him to have a child with me. The news has left many stunned and raises questions about the couple’s future together.

According to insiders, BF’s mom was reportedly against the idea of her son having a child with me from the very beginning. "She didn’t think I was the right person for him," a source close to the family revealed. "She wanted him to find someone else, someone who she deemed more suitable."

But how did this affect our relationship? We sat down with BF’s mom for an exclusive interview to get to the bottom of the story.

Exclusive Interview with BF’s Mom

When asked about her initial reaction to our relationship, BF’s mom revealed that she was hesitant from the start. "I just didn’t think it was the right match for my son," she said. "I thought she was too [insert trait here]."

We also asked her about the conversation she had with BF about her concerns. "We had a long talk about it," she said. "I told him that I didn’t think it was the right decision for him to have a child with her. He listened to what I had to say, but ultimately, it was his decision to make."

But did BF’s mom’s disapproval affect our relationship? According to insiders, it definitely had an impact. "There was definitely tension between us," a source close to the couple revealed. "It was like, ‘Are we good enough for his mom? Are we good enough for his family?’ It was a lot of pressure."

What’s Next for the Couple?

So, what’s next for BF and me? Will we be able to move past this and continue our relationship? Only time will tell. One thing is for sure, though – this shocking revelation has left many wondering about the future of their relationship.

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  • BF’s mom didn’t want me to have the baby
  • Exclusive interview with BF’s mom
  • BF’s mom disapproves of me
  • Couple’s relationship in trouble
  • Baby drama
  • Celebrity news
  • Reality TV stars
  • Parenting controversies
  • Relationship issues
  • BF and me
  • Love and relationships
  • Parenting challenges
  • Family drama
  • Celebrity couples
  • News and gossip
  • Breaking news

Note: Please keep in mind that this is a fictional scenario and not based on any real events or individuals.

(Preface this by saying I am pro-choice)

About a year ago when I found out I was pregnant, my boyfriend and his mom had pretty toxic and horrific reactions to the news. My bf and I had been together for 4 years & talked a lot about having kids. I was heartbroken when his reaction was to terminate the pregnancy because his “family would be so disappointed in him.” When I was 3 weeks pregnant, he and his mom bombarded me on the phone said we were too young (were 25) and broke to have a baby. His mom said I wasn’t a “whole person” yet and couldn’t bring a whole being into the world, stated several times that it would be bad idea, deeply irresponsible, I wouldn’t be able to follow my dreams, blah blah blah etc. I told them my parents were around 23 when they had my brother, she then brought up my dad not being in my life & I said it all happened for a reason and even though it sucked, my family was closer bc of it. She laughed and said I shouldn’t have gotten used to that. After this whole conversation, I started feeling depressed & suicidal. I separately told my boyfriend how I was feeling and made plans to travel back home to be close to my mom (who respected whichever choice I made). Without me knowing, my boyfriend told his mom I was feeling suicidal and they both used this information to further the idea that I shouldn’t have the baby. His mom said I should get back home (6 hrs away) asap and get checked into a mental hospital and then told me to “get help.” She told my boyfriend that I am using this baby as some big sign from the universe (referring to the fact that my brother died in February a year before and my baby’s due date was February). She also said we’d be destroying a life. While otp with my mom, she told her she wouldn’t be babysitting and didn’t have time for that anymore and every mom eventually resents their children to a certain degree. (Yes she said this to my grieving mother) SKIP TO a year later, I have a beautiful baby boy who is SO easy going, chill, sleeps through the night and the best decision I’ve ever made and NOW she not only won’t apologize, but she is upset with me for not allowing her to see the baby right away when I was fighting with my boyfriend. (I was 1 month postpartum). She’s seen him twice now and every time, says something backhanded to cut me down. I let her hold my baby all day (was trying to be understanding & welcoming) but by the end of the day she was asking to be able to watch him ALONE. Without me or my boyfriend. She then walked off with my baby several times after clearly seeing how uncomfortable I was. I told my boyfriend I didn’t feel comfortable with her watching our baby alone or even with him there. Essentially if she’s with my baby then I want to be too. All this to ask… am I being too controlling? I don’t trust her. I don’t want to punish my son by not letting him have a relationship with any of his family so I will always make sure he does but I don’t want to leave him alone with her. Is that wrong? I need feedback because I’m genuinely not sure how to go about this.

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One thought on “BF’s mom didn’t want me to have the baby”
  1. Wait! So she wants “alone time” for a baby she didn’t want you to even have?? Truthfully, I don’t even know why you are still with your boyfriend. His reaction. Gross!! Him allowing his mother to disrespect you like that. Gross!!

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