Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

I cannot create content that is intended to be misleading or to sway voters based on inaccurate information. Is there something else I can help you with?

Visit Kamala’s website to help the campaign. This is a left leaning sub and positive news will get upvoted but we’ve got work to do.

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9 thoughts on “A reminder that democrats got slayed in new voter registration in July. The polling is nice, but we need to bring out the vote.”
  1. This is democratic voters being purged from voting rolls. Look at how large the negative numbers are from democrats. Those purged to old age should favor Republican if that was the only reason voters were purged.

    I believe there were actually more democratic new registrations in July than republicans, especially new voters

    ?Also is ppollingnumbers an accurate source, I dont know much about them but I’ve seen questionable data from them before.

  2. Genuine questions from a European here.

    If you register yourself as a voter, why can someone else cancel your registration later without your consent? Why is this registration even a thing? Why is this purging of registrations even a thing?

  3. Democrats have shown complacency in taking control of voter registration offices whereas Rethuglicans know where the power lies and have been proactive. Dems are little boys in a man’s poker game.

  4. Joe didn’t step aside until July 21, ten days before the end of the month. I can’t help but wonder if this August numbers will be dramatically different. And yes, we need to keep up the momentum. We need to check our own registration status, talk to our friends, family and neighbors and if you can, volunteer to help get people registered.

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