Sat. Jan 11th, 2025

BREAKING NEWS: Deversive Games Reconsiders NERFing of Endless Nightmare (EN) in Latest Development

SEO Tags: Endless Nightmare, Deversive Games, EN NERF, Fortnite, Competitive Gaming, Esports News, Gaming Updates, Nerf Controversy, Competitive Season 13


In a sudden and unexpected turn of events, Deversive Games, the developer behind the popular battle royale game, Fortnite, has announced that they are rethinking their recent decision to nerf the highly controversial and game-changing weapon, Endless Nightmares (EN). This significant U-turn comes as a welcome surprise to the competitive gaming community, who were up in arms over the weapon’s recent buff.

The announcement was made through a statement on Deversive Games’ official forums, where the team revealed that they would be reviewing the data collected from the competitive scene and would be considering implementing changes to the EN’s design and functionality.

What happened?

For those who may have missed the news, Deversive Games introduced the Endless Nightmares (EN) in their latest update, which has since sent shockwaves through the competitive Fortnite scene. The EN was hailed as a game-changer by pros and fans alike, as it offered unprecedented mobility, range, and accuracy, allowing players to take down enemies from unprecedented distances.

However, as with all power creep, the EN soon became overpowered, causing widespread criticism from top players and teams, who felt that the weapon was ruining the balance of the game. In response, Deversive Games opted to nerf the EN, reducing its damage output and increasing its noise signature.

But why are they rethinking their decision?

It appears that Deversive Games have received feedback from the community and competitive players, which has convinced them to reassess their decision to nerf the EN. According to reports, the company is taking a more measured approach to addressing the weapon’s effectiveness, aiming to find a balance that will not compromise the integrity of the game.

In an interview with ESPN, a senior developer at Deversive Games explained that they "are committed to delivering a game that is enjoyable for all players, whether they are competing at the highest level or playing with friends." They also stated that they will continue to work closely with the competitive community to ensure that any changes to the EN are data-driven and designed to improve the overall gameplay experience.

What’s next?

With this new development, fans of the competitive Fortnite scene are eagerly anticipating further updates on the EN’s status. Will Deversive Games restore the EN to its former glory, or will they find a way to tone it down while maintaining its core appeal?

As we continue to monitor this developing story, stay tuned for further updates and insights on the future of Endless Nightmares in Fortnite.

I'd love to have the chance to do some Legendary Rolls daily.

Right now I can't because either I lack Legendary Cores or Modules. It's one or the other. But once a Week I can do maybe 10-20 Rolls. If I'm lucky.

This is largely thanks to EN. It allows me to earn enough Scrip throughout the Week to fund my crafting.

And I'm waaaaay away from having any God-Roll Weapon.

Now I've read about the EN Nerf and I thought to myself: how/where will I get Legendaries.

And since the backlash to this announcement was rather large, I wonder if they might "soften" the nerf or step back from it.

Or if there's news of buffing other Events, so we still get some Legendaries to scrap/sell.

View by Schpitzchopf_Lorenz

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