Thu. Dec 26th, 2024

Add breaking news content about Dear lovely Redditors of r/Hyderabad, thank you. in English and add many SEO tags on the content

This is in regards to my post about the Doctor at M&M Ortho Hospital selling me an MLM product and not taking it back.

Well, after complaining to the TS Medical Council via mail like you guys suggested, a drug inspector inspected everything and that made these people change their attitude and issued me a refund on Wednesday.

They asked me to take down the terrible reviews (even though I didn't write any. It was you guys). I had to write two no objections letters to the hospital and the drug inspector though.

Sad news is, they are still selling the MLM product named Zenxtonic that costs ₹1800 to almost every patient and I don't know what the drug inspector did really, tbh.

P.S. After this incident my mum really scared me about defamation case, etc. So, I deleted two of the posts made about the issue. The first post is still up on my profile, but I changed some details to avoid potential problems.

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