Sun. Jan 26th, 2025


"EXPOSED: Meta’s Dark Secrets Revealed in Shocking Media Blitz"

In a stunning turn of events, a group of investigative journalists and whistleblowers has launched a massive media blitz to expose the inner workings of Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. The campaign, which is gaining momentum by the hour, is shedding light on the company’s questionable business practices, data privacy breaches, and alleged manipulation of user information.


  1. Data Harvesting: Whistleblowers have revealed that Meta has been collecting and storing vast amounts of user data, including sensitive information such as financial records, medical history, and even personal conversations.
  2. Fake News Propagation: An investigation has uncovered evidence of Meta’s involvement in spreading disinformation and propaganda on its platforms, potentially influencing public opinion and shaping global events.
  3. Censorship: Sources have come forward alleging that Meta has been actively censoring content and suppressing dissenting voices, stifling free speech and undermining democratic values.
  4. Monetization of User Data: The company has been accused of profiting from the personal data of its users, selling it to third-party companies and using it to target advertisements.


Join the movement to hold Meta accountable for its actions. Share this breaking news story with your friends and family, and demand transparency and accountability from the company.


  • Meta’s Response to Allegations: The company has issued a statement denying any wrongdoing and claiming that its actions are necessary to protect user safety and security.
  • Whistleblower Testimony: Hear from the brave individuals who have come forward to expose Meta’s dark secrets.


  • Meta exposé
  • Data privacy breach
  • Fake news propagation
  • Censorship
  • Monetization of user data
  • Whistleblower testimony
  • Facebook scandal
  • Instagram controversy
  • Data harvesting
  • Online privacy
  • Free speech
  • Digital rights
  • Tech industry scandal
  • Social media manipulation
  • User data protection
  • Online security


As this story continues to unfold, we will provide regular updates and breaking news coverage. Follow us on social media to stay informed and join the conversation.


What do you think about the allegations against Meta? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.


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Hi- like many of you l am a victim of the Instagram/ Disabled FB hack. I have logged over 45 hours and hundreds of emails trying to get my account back through every method suggested, to no avail.
I am US based and in the process of writing a proposal to submit to major media outlets to expose the widespread violation of our privacy by META.
This is a data breach of epic proportion that needs more media attention immediately. I am planning to subit to the top five circulated news publications in the US, which include: NY TIMES, LA TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL, BOSTON GLOBE and CHICAGO TRIBUNE.

***IT IS TIME FOR STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. Let's join together to create a media blitz to expose this scandal and create such bad press for META that we can no longer be ignored!
I'm able to write most of the copy, but have come here to crowd source the following info for the submission:

• Can someone contribute some" legalease language" that can be included to describe the issue and exactly how our rights have been violated by not being able to access our data, having fictious charges on our accounts, and hay FB has knowldge that cybercrimes have occi v against us and have taken ZERO action to protect us.

• Any credible sources or news articles that have covered this problem? References please

• Anyone who has direct connections with media outlets who would be willing to submit the copy I write for this story

• Any data, even anedoctal, that substantiates that facebook comtinues to profit while the victims of this scam have lost income and/or incurred damages due to fraud?

If anyone from outside US is willing to submit this story proposal to international media outlets, post below where you will submit to, and I will share the completed story proposal with you to share when it is completed.
Any strategy ideas or feedback is welcome.

View by decembergirl1

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