Sun. Jan 19th, 2025


Cross-Faction Instances Queue Planned for Future War Within Update in Star Wars: The Old Republic

In a surprise move, BioWare has announced that a Cross-Faction Instances Queue is coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic in the upcoming War Within update. This new feature will allow players to queue up with players from opposing factions to tackle challenging instances together.

The Cross-Faction Instances Queue is a long-awaited feature that has been requested by the community for years. It will enable players to team up with friends and other players from different factions to take on high-level content, including Operations and Flashpoints.

"We’re excited to bring this feature to the game," said BioWare’s Lead Designer, Charles Boyd. "We know how much our players have been asking for it, and we’re thrilled to be able to deliver. It’s going to be a game-changer for our community."

The Cross-Faction Instances Queue will be available in the next major update, War Within, which is expected to launch in the coming months. The update will also include new story content, new characters, and new gameplay mechanics.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Cross-Faction Instances Queue
  • War Within update
  • BioWare
  • Online gaming
  • Star Wars
  • The Old Republic
  • MMORPG news
  • Gaming news
  • BioWare news
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic news
  • Cross-faction play
  • Multi-faction play
  • Online multiplayer
  • MMORPG updates
  • Gaming updates
  • BioWare updates
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic updates


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Cross-Faction Instances Queue
  • War Within update
  • BioWare
  • Online gaming
  • Star Wars
  • The Old Republic
  • Cross-faction play
  • Multi-faction play
  • Online multiplayer
  • MMORPG updates
  • Gaming updates
  • BioWare updates
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic updates


In a surprise move, BioWare has announced that a Cross-Faction Instances Queue is coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic in the upcoming War Within update. This new feature will allow players to queue up with players from opposing factions to tackle challenging instances together.

The Cross-Faction Instances Queue is a long-awaited feature that has been requested by the community for years. It will enable players to team up with friends and other players from different factions to take on high-level content, including Operations and Flashpoints.

"We’re excited to bring this feature to the game," said BioWare’s Lead Designer, Charles Boyd. "We know how much our players have been asking for it, and we’re thrilled to be able to deliver. It’s going to be a game-changer for our community."

The Cross-Faction Instances Queue will be available in the next major update, War Within, which is expected to launch in the coming months. The update will also include new story content, new characters, and new gameplay mechanics.


The Cross-Faction Instances Queue is a major step forward for Star Wars: The Old Republic, and we can’t wait to see how it changes the game. With this feature, players will be able to team up with friends and other players from different factions to take on challenging content together. Stay tuned for more information on the War Within update and the Cross-Faction Instances Queue.


Join the conversation on our social media channels and share your thoughts on the Cross-Faction Instances Queue. Are you excited to team up with players from opposing factions? Let us know in the comments!


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View by Necessary_Anteater43

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28 thoughts on “Cross Faction Instances Queue Planned for Future War Within Update”
  1. This kind of annoys me to be honest, are there honestly players in 2024 who give a shit about factions? Most of my guild is not the same faction as me, that means I can’t play dungeons with them for a while unless they all agree to manually fly to the dungeon, all because it might enrage someone who may or may not even exist.

    Do people really care about this? I honestly doubt it’s a technical limitation as there was a way to do it in Remix that worked great.

  2. Idk if I’m in the majority or minority, but I barely pay attention to other players’ races when I’m in a dungeon anymore. I mainly play alliance, so I notice Tauren when they show up in a raid I’m in, but otherwise, nah. A lot of the races are indistinguishable from each other when they’re fully clad in fancy armor with particle effects anyways.

  3. It’s mindblowing that in 2024 and on a new expansion launch you **cannot play with your friends** because of an arbitrary setting you picked when you created your character.

    Nobody is asking for this restriction and it seems completely tone-deaf from Blizzard’s perspective. It doesn’t belong in modern WoW and makes the new player/casual experience horrible to interact with.

  4. NOBODY CARES about this shit anymore, just let us queue with whomever we want and that’s it.

    Only salty sweatlords will be annoyed by this change.

  5. But why the half measure? Why not just let you queue regardless of faction in its entirety? Why does it have to be a full group?

    Literally just have a checkmark option for opting-in if you want to restrict queuing to your own faction for the very few people who still even care about it

  6. So close and yet they miss the mark. No one gives a shit just make queues easier. If anything make an NPC that specifically flags you for only same faction queues. Don’t punish the rest of us for some mole people dedicated to a faction war that hasn’t been relevant in years

  7. its fking annoying that i cant play with a friend who came back to world of warcraft and wanna know the basics that I CANT FUCKING JOIN A LFG DUNGEON WITH HIM CAUSE HE ALLY

    oh my god let us having cross faction like in everything. god damn it.

  8. anyone else feel like they are super over thinking this and should just let people queue together if they want to regardless if its a full group or not?

    I got super excited seeing the title for no reason, i need a full premade to queue heroics and lfr, content that isnt that important, but i can sign up for M+ and raids with whoever i want no problem whatsoever.

  9. Just let players select an option, either in the group finder or in settings, that says “cross-play queues enabled” which would improve queue times and let you queue with people of the opposite faction.

    Sure, some people might disable it, but I bet the vast majority would enable it for better queues. Still would let the “alliance/horde only” people get what they want too.

  10. Wow they are scoring more points with me yet again. First they made it so class restricted xmog will be unlockable by everyone, now they are making it so I can queue with my partner no matter which of our characters we’re playing.

    Now about those idle & running with weapon out animations that FFXIV has that I’ve been asking about..

    **EDIT:** Nevermind just read that it is only for full premade groups. Fucking donkeys.

  11. Listen I know old heads hate factions coming together. I’ve been playing since launch in 2005. honestly it’s been cool to see the community coming together and the storyline merging their causes. Break down the faction barriers a bit more and let us all game together.

    It’s a fkn game. I couldn’t level with my buddies for the last 3 days in Prepatch event because I had alliance alts and they had horde alts. Like fkn cmon

    Adding to this: yea, I know there any 100 other ways we could’ve leveled together. Yes the Prepatch event was just mob tagging and flying from event to event. BUT would’ve been a bit nicer to be with my buddies while we both level alts. NOT TO MENTION: on my shard, it was a faction mix doing the events together. Yet I can’t invite my buddy to do what I’m already doing outside of a party??

  12. Why not just let it be an option players can toggle on or off? Treat it like crossplay between console and PC in other games. If people want to leave it off to preserver their RP, then let them. The dev response talks about players “opting in” by being in a full group. Let them make this option unilaterally.

  13. I mean this with as little respect as possible: the pearl clutchers that the devs are referring to; the ones that don’t want to see someone from the “opposite faction” on their teams? They can get fucked.

    Narratively, the 2 faction system made no sense post Legion, but then BFA “had” to happen. But even after ALL of that, BFA ends with a Kumbaya cinematic where we talk about how we’re all people of Azeroth.

    That’s it. Faction divide is over. We’re just waiting for the devs to catch up and remove the last barrier keeping players from playing what they want when they want with who they want.

  14. Why keep screwing over the majority of the playerbase over something only very, very few die hards care about?
    If they really think that way they should just give those people the option to opt out of cross faction via a checkbox or something.

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