Mon. Jan 13th, 2025


CNN Embarrasses Itself: MediasTouch Exposes Grave Negligence in Election Coverage

In a shocking turn of events, MediasTouch, a leading YouTube news channel, has come forward to expose the staggering incompetence of CNN in its election coverage. In a blistering exposé, MediasTouch reveals the unacceptable lack of accountability and professionalism displayed by the once-esteemed network.

According to MediasTouch, CNN’s recent coverage of the election has devolved into nothing more than "entertainment," akin to Fox News, leaving viewers with a distorted understanding of the issues and a lack of transparency.

What Went Wrong?

MediasTouch, in its groundbreaking investigation, has identified several key issues plaguing CNN’s election coverage:

  1. Lack of Fact-Checking: CNN has consistently failed to fact-check critical information, leading to the spread of misinformation and confusion among viewers.
  2. Unbalanced Reporting: CNN has overwhelmingly favored one side of the political spectrum, ignoring critical stories and perspectives, and silencing opposing voices.
  3. Selective Coverage: CNN has cherry-picked stories to fit their agenda, omitting crucial information and ignoring vital developments.
  4. Biased Anchors: CNN anchors have demonstrated blatant partisanship, often injecting personal opinions and emotions into their reporting.
  5. Neglect of Local Reporting: CNN has abandoned its role as a local news source, focusing solely on national coverage, leaving communities without essential reporting.

A New Era in Journalism

In response to CNN’s negligence, MediasTouch has launched a new initiative: "Journalism Reborn." This innovative program aims to hold news outlets accountable, promoting transparency, fairness, and professionalism in election coverage.

MediasTouch is calling on the public to demand better from the media, encouraging viewers to boycott CNN and support news channels that adhere to the highest standards of journalism.

Take Action

Join the movement to restore integrity to election coverage by:

  1. Sharing this article: Spread the word about MediasTouch’s exposé and the need for better journalism.
  2. Supporting MediasTouch: Subscribe to their channel and help them continue to hold news outlets accountable.
  3. Demanding better from CNN: Reach out to CNN and express your disappointment and frustration with their coverage.
  4. Celebrating true journalism: Support news channels that prioritize fact-checking, fairness, and transparency.


  • CNN’s Election Coverage in Crisis: The Full Story (article)
  • MediasTouch’s Investigation: What Went Wrong? (video)
  • Journalism Reborn: The Future of Election Coverage (video)
  • Call to Action: Hold CNN Accountable (petition)
  • Support MediasTouch and True Journalism (subscription link)


CNN, election coverage, MediasTouch, journalism, bias, fact-checking, transparency, fairness, accountability, election integrity, news reporting, journalism standards, true journalism.


Leave a comment below and share your thoughts on the state of journalism and the need for better election coverage.

We’ve come to the point in the timeline where a Youtube news channel (MediasTouch) showing CNN how proper journalism is to be conducted when covering this election. Absolutely disgraceful amount of negligence on CNN’s part. Officially falling into the realm of Fox News as “entertainment”.

View by allfranksnobun

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2 thoughts on “We’ve come to the point in the timeline where a Youtube news channel (MediasTouch) showing CNN how proper journalism is to be conducted when covering this election. Absolutely disgraceful amount of negligence on CNN’s part. Officially falling into the realm of Fox News as “entertainment”.”
  1. Reformation of corporate media is going to be part of this thing that’s happening. I’m not sure what to call it but it’s more than just a presidential election.

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