Fri. Dec 27th, 2024

Add breaking news content about My sisters moving out soon. in English and add many SEO tags on the content

(Sorry for the title, I truly didn't know what to put it as, also this more of a vent.)

Basically, I'm 14 and my sister is 18, and she is planning on moving out soon. Due to a physical fight she and my mom got into. My family isn't the best, like fighting a lot, dad drinking n stuff. My parents are kind of neglectful towards me, and do the "see I don't treat you that badly" whenever something on the news comes out about abuseful parents. And, since my sisters 18 and done raising her their done raising me since they've already had to do it once. (Ex; not taking me to the highschool to get my schedule to find classes and stuff, or even allowing me to take driver's ed because 'my sister did it, why do I have to')

I don't know how to handle being alone, since my sister was really the only person I could trust and talk to in this house. I came out to her, talk her about issues at school and stuff. She can't take me with her, for many reasons. I don't want to be alone, I ate dinner with her, went out with her, played games, she helped me through episodes and stuff too. I just don't know what to do with myself now ig. I can't sign up for clubs, or volunteer work since the hospital isn't doing that rn, my friends don't really want to hang out with me or would rather hang out with someone else. I'm stuck in this house and want out.

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