Fri. Jan 10th, 2025

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Corey Lewandowski pushed a falsehood peddled by Trump, other Republicans and anti-abortion crusaders.

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3 thoughts on “Trump Adviser’s Horrid Lie Fact-Checked During Fox News Appearance”
  1. >Trump campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski was fact-checked on Fox News after he pushed the false right-wing talking point that Democrats are OK with killing newborns.

    Post-birth abortion is a real thing though. The technical term for it is “school shooting.”

  2. Trump picked Lewandowski because he wants to “let Trump be Trump,” and that’s a good thing. Trump just said on ~~Fox~~ Deep State News that he had a right to interfere in the election! Pushing Trump deeper and deeper into his criminality and his degeneracy could save the United States from being overwhelmed by his basement dwelling vermin.

    His cult spends hours flooding twitter reposting his *“Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently…”* post, and Elon Musk makes billions off the traffic, lays off huge numbers, laughs about it, and our country turns into “Day of the Locust” while school kids get massacred in their classes and 1,000 billionaires get our Social Security and Medicare money!

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