Sat. Dec 28th, 2024

Breaking News: 20 Years Later, Remembering Where We Were on 9/11/01

September 11, 2021 – Today marks the 20th anniversary of the devastating terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. As the world comes together to pay tribute to the victims and heroes of that fateful day, we’re taking a look back at where we were on 9/11/01.

Remembering the Shock and Awe

It’s a day that will be etched in the memories of those who lived through it forever. The morning of September 11, 2001, began like any other, with the sun rising over the Manhattan skyline. But within a few hours, the world would be turned upside down.

For many, the news of the attacks was a sudden and jarring wake-up call. Whether you were in the city, in a classroom, or at work, the images of the Twin Towers crumbling to the ground, the smoke billowing into the air, and the chaos on the streets would be seared into your memory forever.

A Nation in Mourning

As the news spread, a nation was left in shock and grief. Thousands of lives were lost that day, including those of firefighters, police officers, and civilians. The sheer scale of the tragedy left many struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the loss.

Where Were You on 9/11/01?

As we reflect on that day, we’re asking: Where were you on 9/11/01? Were you in New York City, watching in horror as the towers fell? Were you in Washington D.C., feeling the sense of unease as the Pentagon was attacked? Were you in a classroom, trying to make sense of the chaos unfolding on the news?

Whatever your experience was, we want to hear from you. Share your story with us and let’s come together to remember the victims, heroes, and the resilience of the human spirit.

SEO Tags:

9/11/01, September 11, World Trade Center, Pentagon, Terrorist Attacks, September 11th, 20th Anniversary, 9/11 Anniversary, Where Were You on 9/11, Memories of 9/11, 9/11 Remembered, 9/11 Tributes, 9/11 News, 9/11 History, 9/11 Attacks, 9/11 Anniversary 2021, Remembering 9/11, September 11th 2001, 9/11 Commemoration.

Breaking News: Stay Tuned for Updates and Tributes

As the world marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we’ll be bringing you updates, tributes, and reflections from those who were affected by the tragedy. Follow us for the latest news and stories as we pay homage to the victims and heroes of that fateful day.

I had just started a new job in August and was living in corporate-provided temporary housing with my wife while I looked for a place. I had set my alarm for 6:00 a.m. (PST) because I wanted to get to work early to make a good impression on my new employer. I had the alarm set to the radio. At 6:00, the radio came on, and I heard something about "plane struck the World Trade Center." I immediately turned it off and went back to sleep, thinking drowsily that some idiot in a Cessna must have splattered himself into the building. I got up a couple of hours later, showered, and left for work around 9:00 a.m. On the way I turned on the radio and heard, "BOTH TOWERS OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER ARE GONE." I immediately hit the brakes and pulled a 180, raced back to the apartment complex, and bounded up the stairs as fast as I could. I threw open the door and called to my wife, "LAUREN!! My God, turn on the TV!" We watched the news together and saw what had happened in New York.

What's your 9/11 story?

View by LostBetsRed

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12 thoughts on “Where were you on 9/11/01?”
  1. I was on a trip to Galway, Ireland, with my university music class. We were housed in a hostel and I came out of my room’s shower and saw people crowding around the TV.

  2. I stayed home from work, feeling sick. I was sitting on the crapper when I heard the news on the radio. From the way they were talking, it sounded like a Cessna had hit the tower. I finally got off the john and back into bed, then turned on the TV about 30 seconds before the second plane hit.

    I didn’t know it at the time, but a former professor of mine, who was also one of my father’s friends, was on that plane. A friend from work had just had dinner with either the pilot or co-pilot of the first plane the weekend before.

  3. I was driving a U-Haul that would only go 45 MPH or it would overheat, and all my guns were loaded in the front of the truck, would have been very hard to get out. The radio said there were airplanes missing all over the country, and fights were breaking out at airports and the FBI was at lunch. And then the second plane hit….. I felt like it was the end of America. And it was, we will be seeing the end game play out in the next few months, all of this having started on September 11, 2001. All we had to do was remember that our government lies and makes these attacks and pandemics and wars to keep us under control, but we forgot and they used 9/11 to destroy America. It’s over. Kamala Harris will be giving America away to the world. Just ask the people of Springfield, Ohio. Zombies eat the dogs, first, then the people.

  4. Absolutely broke living in England at the time. We were walking past a tv shop and saw the second plane hitting the tower.

    We were flying back to Ireland the next day. You can imagine the security in the airport.

  5. I had a fight that morning with the girl I was dating. Her roommate was moving out and she dropped it on me she was thinking of renting the room to her old fuckbuddy. I was understandably none to keen on the notion.

    So I was late to work. Nobody thought anything of it when I rolled in late, they assumed I was at home watching it all unfold on tv. That was the first I learned of it. I turned on the radio (I was working in a bookstore, we didn’t have a tv) and listened to the state of things. I was listening when the second tower went down.

    I called the girl I was dating and apologized. That night we sat on the couch, curled up together watching it on tv and feeling sick. We heard singing, a bunch of girl scouts were walkign down the street carrying American flags singing God Bless America and after, from somewhere we couldn’t determine we heard someone playing “Hallelujah” on the bagpipes.

    I remember it was a warm night. We lay in bed with the windows open, unable to sleep.

    It was a different day. Very different.

  6. I’m from the UK and was working for a digital agency in London. The first plane hit around lunchtime. We spent the rest of the day watching TV. My girlfriend at the time was American and found that her first husband had overslept (“typical”), otherwise he’d have gone to work at the World Trade Centre.

  7. At university in Europe. I came out of a class and saw lots of people crowded around the small tv in the lounge. I couldn’t really see what was going on, so biked home as usual. Right after I walked home, my landline rang. My boyfriend at the time told me to turn on the TV. I sat on the sofa the rest of the day and night, not able to move.

    It impacted a lot of non-Americans deeply too.

  8. I’m in AZ so it was really early. I heard something on the radio that prompted me to turn on the TV. I watched the second plane hit live. And it was before the news stopped showing people jumping. I then got ready for work in a fugue-like state.

    I walked into the building and I saw everyone crowded in the conference room watching the news. Something just hit me then and me legs collapsed under me and I just started crying.

    I then spent the day deleting emails from companies offering everything from burial insurance to high-rise parachutes. God bless the fucking US of A.

  9. I had a job where from our office windows we could see the runway at SFO. First time I’d ever seen it completely still, was eery as fuck.

    About 1pm ish a Korean Airlines plane landed flanked by two F16s, one of the last planes to land in the US that day.

    Earlier that day I was on the bus to work and obviously everyone was talking about it and trying to process it. There was one young woman who was just looking at us all blankly, she clearly was hadn’t heard, and so I walked her through everything we knew. It’s weird to think there’s someone out there about my age whose 9/11 story starts with “I was on the bus and I didn’t know what was going on and this guy with red hair started telling me….” It’s weird to think that she’s probably thought about that conversation once a year for over 20 years now.

  10. Australian here, was about to go to bed (it was nighttime here) was watching tele when the news anchor said a plane accidentally crashed into some building in the US. My first thought was, there must’ve been a serious communication mishap.

    As the news anchor spoke, they showed footage of what I thought was the plane in question, crashing into the tower. But I realised how wrong I was when the news anchor said “what you just witnessed live, was a second plane crashing into another building!”

    I ran to Dad’s room and woke him up and said “Dad, the US is under attack!” I stayed up all night watching events live on TV, as nobody had any idea how many more planes were still vulnerable. It was unfolding live.

    As the news anchor spoke, I kept seeing what looked like bodies plummeting from the buildings, when I suddenly noticed a massive plume of smoke that seemed to get confusingly larger and larger, it was only when it cleared that I realised an entire building had collapsed.

    I didn’t sleep that night, the whole terrifying ordeal was so confusing and surreal that the next day I wasn’t even sure if I’d dreamt it or if it was real.

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