Tue. Jan 7th, 2025


MIS MATCHED DATES: Local Woman’s Shocking Discovery Sparks Concern


In a shocking revelation, a local woman has reported a discrepancy between her expected dates and the embryo’s development during her first ultrasound scan. The 24-year-old, who wishes to remain anonymous, was thrilled to discover she was pregnant, but the latest update has left her in a state of distress.

"I was over the moon when I found out I was pregnant," the expectant mother shared in an exclusive interview. "But when I went in for my first ultrasound, I was devastated to discover that my embryo is approximately two weeks behind schedule."

According to medical experts, the expected gestational age of an embryo at 6 weeks is around 1-2 cm in length, with a head and tail visible. However, in this case, the ultrasound revealed a significant delay in the embryo’s development.

"I’m freaking out, to be honest," the mother-to-be confessed. "I have no idea what’s causing this anomaly, and the thought of it is terrifying. I’m worried about the potential risks to my baby’s health and well-being."

Reproductive specialists are quick to emphasize the importance of a thorough examination and proper diagnosis to understand the cause of the delay. In some cases, this could be attributed to various factors, including irregular ovulation, hormonal imbalances, or even certain medical conditions.

"We take situations like this very seriously and encourage our patients to do the same," said Dr. [Last Name], a leading obstetrician and gynecologist. "It’s essential to monitor the embryo’s development closely and address any potential issues promptly to ensure a healthy pregnancy."

The expectant mother is currently undergoing further testing and examinations to determine the cause of the discrepancy. In the meantime, she is taking proactive steps to prioritize her baby’s health and is urging other women to remain vigilant and aware of their reproductive health.

"I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to ensure my baby’s well-being," she stressed. "I hope by sharing my story, other women will be more informed and empowered to take control of their reproductive health."


[First Ultrasound Anomalies: What You Need to Know][4]

[Embryo Development Stages: Understanding the First Trimester][5]

[Pregnancy and Fetal Development: How to Monitor Your Baby’s Growth][6]


  • First ultrasound anomaly
  • Embryo development issues
  • Reproductive health concerns
  • Mis-matched dates
  • Pregnancy and fetal development
  • Fetal growth and monitoring
  • Ultrasound and embryo development
  • Reproductive health awareness
  • Pregnancy and parenthood support


This story is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. If you have concerns about your reproductive health or pregnancy, consult a qualified healthcare provider.


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embryo development, first ultrasound, reproductive health, pregnancy, fetal development, pregnancy concerns, reproductive issues, prenatal care, prenatal development, pregnancy and parenthood support, reproductive awareness.

Hello, everyone. 26 F here, pregnant for the first time ever, looking for advice/hearing your stories if you went through something similar.

So I just went to my first appointment to confirm my pregnancy via ultrasound yesterday and the news I got were not very encouraging.

I'm certain that I should be around 6 weeks pregnant by now, concidering I tracked my ovulation (17th of August, on the 18th day of my period) and I had brownish implantation bleeding on the 24th of August (7 days post ovulation). I got a positive pregnancy test on the 28th of August (very faint line) and then on the 30th i took another test and the line was getting darker.

My ob also confirmed that I should be around 6 weeks today, however she couldn't find anything during he abdominal US. So we did a transvaginal one and she told me I have a bicornuate uterus (which she didn't seem too thrilled about) and the embryo is in one of the chambers but it doesn't look like a 6 week embryo. She couldn't even measure it accurately but told me it looks more like a 4 week embryo. Obviously that can't be right, since I'm absolutely sure of my dates, even when implantation occured.

So she told me to come back on monday for another ultrasound and to do a blood Hcg test to see if the numbers match what we see on the US.

I feel like I'm going to miscarry and I'm incredibly scared. My husband and I had a bad feeling ever since we found out I was pregnant and couldn't shake it all this time waiting for my appointment. I haven't had any morning sickness or any of the typical pregnancy symptoms except breast tenderness and feeling a bit more tired than normal.

I haven't been eating very well during these past few weeks because of my very demanding job (dentist) and not being able to take breaks between patients which made me feel incredibly guilty, I feel like I caused this somehow. I still feel like I eat enough calories but only in the afternoon and evenings, I have very long stretches of going hungry.

I have also been incredibly stressed out with social events every weekend (bachelorette party and wedding dramas) and a very hard job on the weekdays. My husband is also very concerned about all of these things and encourages me to take it slow.

I read up on bicornuate uteri and the odds don't seem to be very good, they usually mean multiple miscarriages and/or premature labor/low birth weight.

I'm praying for a miracle but I'm not sure anymore… Please, if anyone has any experience similar to mine, reach out because I'm feeling incredibly lonely in this situation. We haven't told anyone about my pregnancy and I'm feeling very unsupported. My husband is amazing but he went on a business trip right after this and I'm all alone with my thoughts.

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2 thoughts on “My dates don’t match my first ultrasound. Embryo is two weeks behind and I’m scared.”
  1. Hi! I also have a bicornuate uterus! We didn’t even know until I had a c-section with my first ever pregnancy because they didn’t catch it on the ultrasounds. The only complication it gave me was that baby was beach until the very end and labor wasn’t progressing well so we did the c-section. My OB said that the internet would scare me about lots of potential complications but that in practice he didn’t see complications frequently. I went into labor at 39.5 weeks and had a 6 pound 9 oz, 19 inch baby who is now in the 99th percentile for height and the 87th for weight.

    All of this to say that a healthy pregnancy is totally possible. I also know someone who decided to get their heart shaped uterus fixed via surgery as it was causing complications for them. So if this pregnancy is not meant to be, you do have options.

    Nothing you do or will do will change the outcome of this pregnancy. If it is not progressing properly, you have to know that the pregnancy just wasn’t meant to be and you can keep trying. Our bodies are good at supporting healthy pregnancies but also good at detecting when pregnancies are not compatible with life and terminating them before it causes complications to you or a potential fetus. I know how much you want this to be your baby, but if it doesn’t work it out, don’t blame yourself.

    I did a lot of meditation and positive thinking while pregnant. I put total trust in my body that it knew what to do. Just try to relax (I know easier said than done, I was constantly anxious during my pregnancy) and trust your body to one what to do.

    For what it’s worth, I was sure I was 9 weeks when I went for my first appointment and I was only 6. Sometimes our bodies are wonky like that.

    All this typed out at 2:30 am with a baby who had woken me up literally every hour since he went to bed at 8, lol.

    Sending you lots of love, support, and baby dust. Feel free to pm me if you wanna talk! (And stay off of Google!)

  2. From my limited experience, it can be normal the measurements are off in the first weeks. When I had ny first ultrasound for my second child at 6 weeks, my OB said we might need to correct the due date since the baby was measuring significantly smaller. At the next ultrasound at 10 weeks, baby was measuring completely normal and the due date was not adjusted. I’m now 26 weeks into a healthy pregnancy.

    For my first I also remember her measuring quite small at the first ultrasound and being worried about it – she’s a happy healthy 1-year-old now.

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