Sun. Jan 12th, 2025


Local Woman’s Friend of 22 Years Reveals Surprising Secret: "It’s Time for Me to Live My Truth"

Date: [Current Date]
Location: [Your Location]

In a shocking development, a longtime friend and confidant has disclosed a life-altering transformation to her loved ones – she is trans. While the news has left friends and family in a mix of emotions, one particularly close friend, [Your Name], has taken it upon herself to navigate uncharted territory, seeking a way to understand and support her friend during this transition.

Statement from the friend

[Your friend’s name] has agreed to share their story and emotions with the public:

"’It was a monumental moment when I realized who I truly was. Growing up, I felt suffocated by societal norms and expectations, but one day, it hit me – I couldn’t bear to hide myself anymore. The thought of living authentic life as [new gender identity] sent shivers down my spine. Being [Your friend’s pre-transition name] was draining me of the life-force that makes life worth living."

Advice for handling this sensitive topic

  • "It’s essential for loved ones to understand they may not immediately grasp all the nuances. Educating oneself about transgender issues helps foster a sense of inclusion," said [Your name].


  • Transgender Resource Agency’s guidance: Listen, be empathetic, and acknowledge their feelings while encouraging the person to seek expert support.

  • Related content

[Your local community’s perspective on same-sex relationships or LGBTQ+] – [Previous article reference]

[General article with facts about gender identity]
Transgender Support Tips and Resources:

  1. [URL Link: WPATH.ORG] The World Professional Association for Transgender Health

  2. [URL Link: TGPF.ORG] Transforming Gender Psychotherapy Network

  3. [URL Link:] Campaigns and efforts for better equality

The community surrounding this local transgender individual may now come forward with concerns and questions regarding this breakthrough.

Stay with us as this story develops and grows with support, love and a new dawn for equal understanding and opportunities.

Keep the comments on this blog and support transgender rights

Hi, I’m 22F and my 23 year old family friend, who I’ve known my whole life, has just come out as trans (from M to F). I completely support her and have no qualms with her new identity but I cannot help with being in complete shock.

Her mum told me and she doesn’t know that I know. This isn’t the way I would have wanted to find out, and I’m sure my friend would be annoyed to know her mum told me first, but I think she told me because she was completely shocked and needed to tell someone.

I am now waiting for her to come out to me in her own time. I am obviously not rushing her, she can do it when she feels comfortable but I have no idea what I’m going to say. I know that I will love her the same but I did not realise how much this would affect me when it’s someone who’s so close to you, who is coming out as transgender. I don’t want to sound disrespectful but surely people can see how shocking it is when you’ve known someone for this long as a man, you’ve grown up with them, and now they are expressing that they are a woman. I’ve met so many trans people and to me, they’re just people, it doesn’t bring about any particular feelings with me but it is SO SO SO different when you’re watching someone transition who you’ve known for so long.

Anyway, enough rambling, please can I have some advice on what to say to her when she does come out. And also, some advice on how I can take this news in the right way because I’m low-key freaking out, even though I support her, just because I can’t quite believe it.

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2 thoughts on “My friend of 22yrs has come out as trans and I don’t know what to say”
  1. She will come out to you eventually. When she does, don’t put on some huge act as that will make it obvious you already know. Just make sure she knows you’re there for her and it doesn’t change anything in your friendship.

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