Breaking News: Is It Time to Revive Forgotten Classic, "Mario Sports Mix"?
published: 2 hours ago, updated: 15 minutes ago
The year is 2009. You’re scrolling through shelves filled with Xbox 360 and Wii games. In between the Harry Potter, Metal Gear, and Zelda, one hidden gem often flew under the radar – "Mario Sports Mix" or as its friends and fans fondly called it, "SMS." Can we still dig out nostalgic fondness for this now-neglected sport title, or will its popularity rest solely with a limited handful of superfans? Read on and rediscover whether SMS stands the test of time or merely languishes in an archival landfill.
When this Chapter comes out, I hope FGTEEV plays it, will give us some really good memories :3
View by DesiAnne_Mations