Denied After A Year And A Half of Waiting: [Company/Organization] Disappoints Applicants
[Location] – In a shocking turn of events, [Company/Organization] has decided to deny the applications of numerous individuals who had been waiting for over a year and a half for their requests to be processed. The decision has left the applicants in a state of disappointment and frustration.
As per reports, [number] of applicants had submitted their applications to [Company/Organization] in [year] and had been waiting patiently for a decision. However, after almost two years, the applicants received an email informing them that their applications had been denied.
The reasons behind the denial are still unclear, and the applicants are left wondering what they did wrong. Many have expressed their disappointment and frustration on social media, sharing their stories and experiences.
The denial has sparked widespread debate and outrage, with many calling for transparency and fairness in the application process. The [Company/Organization] has yet to make a public statement on the matter, leaving many questioning their motives.
Denied After A Year And A Half of Waiting
- [Company/Organization] Disappoints Applicants
- Frustration Grows Among Applicants
- Reasons Behind Denial Unknown
- Calls for Transparency and Fairness
- [Company/Organization] Yet to Make a Statement
- Denied applications
- [Company/Organization]
- Application process
- Frustration among applicants
- Transparency in decision-making
- Fairness in application process
Denied applications spark outrage and frustration among applicants who have been waiting for over a year and a half to hear back from [Company/Organization]. Learn more about the denial and what it means for those who were affected.
- [Related article title: "Company’s decision raises questions about transparency and accountability"]
- [Related article title: "Applicants left in limbo after year-long wait"]
- [Related article title: "Experts weigh in on the impact of denial on applicants’ lives"]
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I just wrote a whole "woe is me" rant and deleted it. I just need some good news. Please share your stories of what you did after your first denial. Is it time for a lawyer?
Thanks. Just looking for a little hope.
View by Apprehensive_Zone281
You’re in the same boat as the majority. Most don’t get approved at first application. Lawyer is a very personal decision, but it seems like a lot of people wait until 2 denials to hire one since after that is the hearing before the judge. My case took 3.5 years but I did win after the hearing. Hang in there; it’s a really long road but there is hope and it’s worth it in the end. 🙂
It was recommended to me that if I file reconsideration and then am denied a lawyer can help with the hearing and any other stages after. I am on reconsideration
Social Security denies about 70% of all cases initially. Don’t give up, it doesn’t mean you have a bad case. The best chance you have for getting approved, is filing an appeal until it gets in front of a judge.
I’m going to disagree with most people on here… I think if you get denied initially, you should immediately get a lawyer. Here’s why. The next stage, the reconsideration stage, has a denial rate of about 90%. Which makes sense, if you think about it… The only people at that second stage are people that they said no to the first time. So they are very likely to say no again. That means there’s a 90% chance your case is going to go to court. Waiting until the last minute, or until you have to request your court hearing, to get a lawyer involved gives your attorney less time to get forms done by your doctors, to give you advice on what type of doctor you could be seeing, and to prepare for the hearing. Also… It’s gonna give you some time to see whether this is a lawyer you want to stay with. If you hire someone at the very last stage, you won’t have enough time to get a new lawyer before your hearing if you decide you made a mistake in your hiring decision
Full disclosure, I am a disability attorney. I’m definitely not soliciting, I am recommending you find an attorney that is local to you in person to handle your case. But again, do not give up… He denial at the initial level is a disappointment, but not a surprise. You can still do this.
Lots of luck to you!
Nearing 2 years… approval letter last month and perc interview this Monday. I won at the ALJ
No attorney, get one if denied in reconsideration…. I won without one in reconsideration…It can be done!