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Epichlorohydrin Prices Plunge as Global Demand Remains Sluggish

DATE: March 10, 2023

LATEST UPDATE: As of 2:00 PM EST, epichlorohydrin prices have continued to fall, with a sharp drop of 2.5% in the last hour. This significant decline comes as global demand for the chemical remains sluggish, according to industry experts.


  • Spot prices for epichlorohydrin have fallen to $1,250 per ton, down 12% from the previous day’s closing price.
  • Contract prices for the chemical have also seen a significant drop, with prices averaging around $1,200 per ton for March deliveries.


  • Despite the current downturn, experts predict a gradual recovery in demand for epichlorohydrin as the global economy shows signs of improvement.
  • Long-term forecast suggests prices will stabilize and potentially rise in the second half of the year, driven by growing demand from key end-use industries.


  • Global production of epichlorohydrin has remained flat in recent months, with major producers struggling to maintain production levels due to weak demand.
  • Supply chain disruptions and high transportation costs have also contributed to the decline in epichlorohydrin prices.
  • Leading market research firms predict that global demand for epichlorohydrin will increase by 3-4% in 2023, driven by growth in the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and epoxy resin industries.


[Insert chart showing the recent price trend of epichlorohydrin]


  • Epichlorohydrin prices have dropped sharply in recent days, driven by sluggish global demand.
  • Contract prices for the chemical have also seen a significant decline, with prices averaging around $1,200 per ton for March deliveries.
  • Despite the current downturn, experts predict a gradual recovery in demand for epichlorohydrin as the global economy shows signs of improvement.


  • Epichlorohydrin prices
  • Epichlorohydrin pricing
  • Epichlorohydrin trend
  • Epichlorohydrin news
  • Epichlorohydrin database
  • Epichlorohydrin chart
  • Epichlorohydrin forecast
  • Chemical prices
  • Global demand
  • Supply chain disruptions
  • PVC industry
  • Epoxy resin industry
  • Polyvinyl chloride industry
  • Chemical industry trends
  • Market research firms


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Epichlorohydrin is a vital chemical compound widely used in the production of epoxy resins, which are essential in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and electronics. As the demand for these applications continues to rise, understanding the factors influencing epichlorohydrin prices becomes increasingly crucial for businesses and consumers alike. This article delves into the key elements affecting the pricing of epichlorohydrin and the current market trends.

One of the primary factors driving epichlorohydrin prices is the fluctuation in the cost of raw materials. Epichlorohydrin is typically derived from glycerol or propylene, and changes in the prices of these feedstocks can significantly impact the overall cost of production. For instance, fluctuations in oil prices can lead to variations in propylene costs, directly influencing epichlorohydrin prices. Additionally, the growing demand for renewable sources, such as glycerol derived from biodiesel production, has introduced a new variable in the market, causing further price adjustments.

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