Thu. Jan 9th, 2025

I cannot generate content that stereotypes or promotes discrimination against a particular group of people. Can I help you with something else?

My experience has been that its not “hate” they actually feel, but more like fear. The US is a very segregated country so most people grow up and live in social circles composed of people like themselves. Most white people went to school of mostly white people, and only know other white people. There might be one or two minorities around but not many. As they have very little exposure to minorities or other cultures they dont really have any experience with these “other” people.

Put yourself in their shoes. Every night the news only shows them the absolute worse of “those” people. Crime, murder, poverty. A police officer kills an unarmed black man and the media plays up the fact that he was a firmer criminal. Black people protest percieved injustices and the news media ignores them until a few start rioting, then THAT part is looped over and over in the news, ignoring the fact that 99% of the people there have been peacefully protesting for a long time. The media dehuminizes black people and other minorities, giving them collective attributes that are mostly negative.

You go to the movies and again you mostly see white faces playing the heroe while the “bad guys” are blacks, minorities and people from other cultures. There might be some “token” good black guy, but he is mostly irrelevent in the scheme of things. You turn on the internet and see are exposed to an extremely limited view of what these people’s real lives are, after a while you start believing these stereotypes.

With the exception of certain movie stars, singers or sports you rarely see any succesful black person. Those that do reach a certain success are almost always accompanied with a “story” of how they had to overcome certain ill defined “hardships” and leave the “guetto” on their way to success. But those are the exception, not the rule. Most of the portrayal you are exposed to of “those people” are either as “thugs”, unwed mothers with multiple children living as “welfare queens” off your hard earned taxes and contributing nothing positive to society, except more fatherless children who most likely will end up as violent criminals.

You, a white man who had to bust his ass to get where he has. You are proud of your achievements because no one ever gave you anything, you earned your success. You are sorrounded with like minded and hard working people who all had to make sacrifices and work hard to get where they are, and yet, you notice that there are barely, if any people with black or brown faces around your social circles. Every person of color you see are mostly poor or lower class with barely a high school diploma. After a while you start to think that “I worked hard to earn my place, why cant these people do the same?”.

You start subconsciously believing that there must be something “wrong with these people”. The jails are full of black and brown people, the news is constantly talking about murders, “thugs”, violent crimes and riots committed by them. You shake your head as the evening news loops another riot associated with the black lives matter movement as you ask yourself how can these “people” destroy their own neighborhoods like that? No wonder the “guettos” all look like war zones, these people cant even have a nice neighborhood before they destroy it. This thinking keeps getting reinforced over the years, multiply that by 100 if you exclusively watch Fox News.

People feel more comfortable with familiar sorroundings and people so we automatically tend to create a social “bubble” of like minded people who look and think like us. These people also happen to have a very limited understanding or exposure to non white people with many gravitating to “news” sources that caters to and reinforces their world view, such as Fox News or Breightbart.

Freinds and family recommend similar “news sources” that reinforce their ideas of what the world is. All these people are good, honest and hard working people, but they live in a bubble where their worldviews are reinforced and the blame for societies woes are shifted to “those people”. The few “nice” and hard working black people you know are the exception, not the rule. Most of “them” are not really like that.

The local manufacturing plant closed down and everybody you know is now unemployed and desperate? Its not due to corporate greed and the willingness of corporate CEO’s to shift american jobs overseas where workers earn pennies an hour and have no benefits at all in order to give themselves and investors more money at the expense of the American worker, no, no, no… its the fault of “those illegal immigrants” who “stole” our jobs.

The US economy almost implodes due to wall street and coorporate greed, its the fault of China or some other manufactured bogeyman who is really at fault. We are told that we have to vote against “greedy and corrupt” unions who are only after our dues and make it harder for jobs to come to the US. We are told that most whites are God fearing Christians fighting for our very survival due to an onslaught of illegal immigrants that breed like rabbits and “thugs” out to rob us or kill us at the first opportunity. We are told that in 50 years the US will stop being majority white and we will be ruled by “socialist” liberal minorities who want to ban christmas, impose sharia law and force us to wed gays and force on us these “other lifestyles” that are against everything we are.

As we sit down to watch Fox News or breightbart we are constantly bombarded with horror stories about how all our problems are the fault of “those” people. They are out to get us, outbreed us, take what is ours by force if necessary and leave us and our families ruined just because we are white. Every time something happens they just want to blame it on racism or supposed oppression.

They are lazy, refuse to take responsibility and are quick to blame their problems on racism and “white privilege”. That last part pisses you off to end. How dare they say that? “I worked my ass off for everything I have, no one gave me anything”. Cops dont bother me because I show them respect and obey the law. Hell, almost every single cop I ever met was nice to me and called me “sir” because I was respectful to them. How dare these blacks tell me that black lives matter, as if my life is worth less than theirs! This is the pinnacle of “entitlement culture”. I know because I saw it on Fox News and read it on Breighbart. These people are not nice and are out to get me just because I am white. Its not my fault I am white, how dare they say I am privileged!

The social and news bubble you dont even realize you are in constantly rationalize and reinforce these stereotypes of “them vs us”. You start to fear the inevitable decline of america and the destruction of your way of life. In 50 years minorities are going to be the absolute majority through illegal immigration and high birth rates (who’s illegitimate children you then have to maintain through “entightlement programs” via the taxes the government unfairly takes away from you to give to “them”.

The paranoia, the anger, the injustice of it all just makes you angry. As a white person, You start feeling resentful against these blacks, latinos and “muslims” who keep taking and taking and giving nothing back. You have to work your ass off for an uncertain future for your children. These lazy “others” who live like animals in “guettos” and mooch off the government now want to make me feel guilty because of who I am and change the country I love into something else entirely, something alien….

I know this is a bit dramatic and long but it is the best way I can explain the process by which good, rational white people are conditioned over time to have a certain world view that is distorted. It creates a zero sum situation of “us vs them” of “makers and takers” of the “others”. We stop seeing individuals and start seeing “them” who embody a whole set of traits that are harmful to me and my way of life. Every time this white person finds himself interacting with a black person, subconsciously he sees someone who is not like him, doesn't think like him and thus cannot be trusted. Movies, news and other “media” has made us fear them. The smallest sign that something is “off” makes us fear for out lives. If a black man is walking behind me he might rob me, if a black man has a gun my life is in danger. If I see a group of teenagers laughing at some joke and doing nothing out of the ordinary, my subconscious mind tells me they are possibly a “pack of super predators” waiting to pounce. Things that I would never notice in another white person suddenly takes on a different meaning, a menace I cant quite put my finger on, but makes me very, very uncomfortable.

If you ask the vast majority if white people they will deny they are racist, and in their hearts they speak the truth. They are good people, really. The cousin that makes you laugh, the uncle who you see only on Thanksgiving that always has some good advice to give, the friendly neighbors who treat you like family. The mistake most people make is to outright say they are “privileged or racist” whenever they disagree that racism exist. They have never experienced it themselves, so they have no frame of reference.

They live in a world where racism is something ugly, that only uneducated, “bad” people believe. pointing out what is obvious to you will only make them uncomfortable and feel that you are unfairly attacking them for something they have nothing to do with. You are blaming them for their white skin, you make them feel guilty for being who they are when they have never personally done anything to deserve it. The only thing you will achieve is to put them on the defensive and angry because they feel unfairly attacked. The problem with racism is that it is an insidious, unconscious pattern that most are not even aware is there.

Now getting back to the original question. Most whites dont “hate” black people. What happens, mostly on an unconscious level, is a deep distrust and fear of “others” who are not like them. It is FEAR, not anger that motivates most of what you see. That is an important distinction

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4 thoughts on “Someone once asked me Why do white people “hate” black people? After thinking about it I realized that it’s not so much “hate”, but fear, which Republicans have weaponized.”
  1. Honestly I would’ve been happier if you just said you hated black people instead of restating almost all of the same rhetorics pushed by racist but then saying “Now this doesn’t mean you hate black people BUT..” 

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