Fri. Jan 10th, 2025


Minimum price of alcohol in Scotland rises by 30%

LONDON, ENGLAND – In a move aimed at reducing excessive drinking and related health problems, the Scottish government has announced a significant increase in the minimum price of alcohol. The new minimum price, effective immediately, stands at 50p per unit of alcohol, up from 38p previously.

The decision comes as part of a broader effort to address the country’s high levels of alcohol-related harm, including hospitalizations, illnesses, and fatalities. Scotland has consistently reported some of the highest levels of binge drinking and heavy drinking in Europe, with over 1,700 deaths per year attributed to alcohol consumption.

The increase in the minimum price of alcohol is expected to have a significant impact on the country’s drinking culture. The change is expected to lead to a reduction in the amount of cheap, high-strength alcohol consumed, which is often associated with risky drinking behaviors.

According to the Scottish government, the new minimum price will:

  • Reduce the number of people drinking above the recommended daily limits
  • Lower the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions
  • Increase the number of people seeking help for alcohol addiction
  • Support the country’s efforts to reduce health inequalities

The Scottish government has also announced plans to review the minimum price of alcohol every two years to ensure it remains effective in achieving its goals.

Key Statistics:

  • The minimum price of alcohol in Scotland has increased by 30% from 38p to 50p per unit
  • Scotland has some of the highest levels of alcohol-related harm in Europe, with over 1,700 deaths per year
  • The new minimum price is expected to reduce the number of people drinking above the recommended daily limits
  • The change is expected to lead to a reduction in hospital admissions and an increase in people seeking help for alcohol addiction

Related Stories:

  • UK alcohol consumption: Facts and statistics
  • How to spot the signs of alcohol addiction
  • The impact of alcohol on mental health

SEO Tags:

  • Minimum price of alcohol in Scotland
  • Scottish government
  • alcohol prices
  • excessive drinking
  • health problems
  • binge drinking
  • high-strength alcohol
  • drinking culture
  • health inequalities
  • alcohol addiction
  • UK alcohol consumption
  • Scotland alcohol facts
  • alcohol statistics
  • alcohol-related harm
  • hospital admissions
  • mental health and alcohol

Note: The above content is a sample and should be reviewed and edited for accuracy and style before publication.

Minimum price of alcohol in Scotland rises by 30%

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11 thoughts on “Minimum price of alcohol in Scotland rises by 30%”
  1. In line with inflation after a 6 year freeze. Makes sense.

    >A Public Health Scotland study published in June last year found the MUP scheme had helped to reduce alcohol-related health inequalities.

    >Based on comparisons with England, it estimated there were 13.4% fewer deaths related to alcohol than would have happened without the policy, as well as 4.1% fewer hospital admissions.

    That’s a much better outcome than I remember ever hearing about before now.

  2. Joke policy as I buy most of my alcohol online nowadays and completely bypass the minimum price legislation.

    I wonder how long it’ll be till an enterprising soul starts organising “booze cruises” on a coach to Carlisle or Berwick Upon Tweed.

  3. The SNP said they were concerned about child poverty, then raise the minimum price of alcohol aggressively – alcohol dependent parents will still consume the same amount of alcohol but now will have even less household money to spend on items like food and clothing, placing their family deeper into poverty.

    More parents at food banks because more parents will have less to spend on food now I’d presume.

    You cannot tax your way out of a cultural issue, but the SNP know raising tax is easier than educating people properly on alcohol and fostering a culture shift via this avenue.

    The SNP never think through their policies and regulations, they just react to an issue and change the law without any real thought of the consequences – point in case the rent cap that only lead to increasing rent by 20% and now this. It penalises the working man and woman who enjoy a drink by making life more expensive in a period of financial hardship and does little to deter alcoholics it’s aimed at.

  4. Doubling down on a policy that simply punishes those who do not have alcohol health concerns and those who work in the industry. While simultaneously ignoring the fact that many of those with addiction issues can simply switch to drugs like street Valium for 50p a pill. If the policy has failed to reduce alcohol related deaths then it is fundamentally flawed and has failed to achieve it’s stated aim then why continue with it?

  5. Back to Amazon Prime.

    Worse is, going by last time, the shopkeepers will not just drop the budget crap and keep the semi-premium stuff thats above the new minimum price, but will raise everything all across the range.

    All based on very dubious analysis, that our alcoholism got worse at a slightly slower rate than England’s, and media doing a near blackout but virtually in lockstep with government policy and only interviewing the pub trade who not surprisingly agree.

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