Sat. Dec 28th, 2024


Joker 2: Lady Gaga Unleashes Fury on Online Nerds After Shocking Twist in Film’s New Trailer

[SEO Keywords: Joker 2, Lady Gaga, Online Nerds, DC Comics, Warner Bros, Movie Trailers, Hollywood News, Entertainment News]

In a shocking turn of events, the new trailer for Joker 2 has sent online nerds into a frenzy, sparking a heated debate about the film’s direction and accuracy. At the center of the controversy is none other than global superstar Lady Gaga, who is set to reprise her role as Harley Quinn in the sequel.

According to sources, the trailer’s latest clip has sparked outrage among die-hard fans of the franchise, who are convinced that Gaga’s portrayal of the Clown Princess of Crime is, well, not quite the Harley Quinn they know and love. Social media platforms are now abuzz with theories and memes, with many fans taking to online forums to express their outrage and disappointment.

Online Nerds in Uproar:

"I never thought I’d say this, but Lady Gaga has officially ruined Harley Quinn for me," tweeted @GothamGuru5000. "Her interpretation is just… wrong on so many levels."

"That trailer was a joke, and not in a good way," wrote @CapedCrusaderX. "Gaga has no business playing Harley. She’s all wrong, from her hair to her mannerisms."

Gaga Fires Back:

In a shocking move, Lady Gaga took to Twitter to address the backlash, firing back at online critics and defending her performance as Harley Quinn.

"To the online nerds who can’t handle a little change, I say: try being a woman in the entertainment industry for a change," she wrote. "You wouldn’t last five minutes. I’m making Harley Quinn my own, and if you can’t handle that, then perhaps you should stick to rewatching the original Joker film for the 47th time."

Reaction from Warner Bros:

Representatives for Warner Bros, the studio behind Joker 2, have released a statement praising Lady Gaga’s performance, saying that her portrayal of Harley Quinn is "game-changing" and "true to the character’s spirit."

"We understand that opinions may vary, but we stand behind our talented cast and crew, including the incomparable Lady Gaga," the statement read. "We’re excited to see how audiences will respond to the film’s latest installment."

Stay Tuned for More Updates:

As the debate rages on, fans of Joker 2 are eagerly awaiting the film’s release, set to hit theaters in the coming months. In the meantime, stay tuned for more updates on this developing story, and don’t forget to follow us for all the latest breaking news on the world of entertainment.

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  • Joker 2
  • Lady Gaga
  • Online Nerds
  • DC Comics
  • Warner Bros
  • Movie Trailers
  • Hollywood News
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  • Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn
  • Joker Film
  • DC Extended Universe
  • DC Comics Characters
  • Warner Bros News
  • Entertainment News Online
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So, just to start: I'm not the biggest fan of 2019's "Joker." Joaquin Phoenix's performance is superb, but the movie is merely O.K. in my eyes. So when they announced that a sequel was in production, I was intrigued but not necessarily eager to see the movie. However, Lady Gaga would be in this movie, and then, hey presto! I wanted the movie yesterday. Is it a musical?! I want it NOW!!! And then I saw comments on Twitter or on YouTube videos from those nerdy channels that follow Marvel and DC, and many seemed to have heard the worst possible news: "Oh no, it's a musical… I hate musicals…", "Lady Gaga? No!!!!". I kept quiet because I don't get into arguments about these things, but I always felt uneasy: everything that made me interested in that movie seemed to be unappealing to a considerable portion of the audience. Now the first reviews of the film have come out, and they are mixed: some channels that tend to be moderate in their reviews are treating the film as if it were the worst sin ever committed, with a script and direction that are out of sync and have no direction, and that the musical numbers are dispensable and that the film cares little about the source material (this is the worst part, for many). Understand that I did not expect to like this film, only Gaga and her performance (which are rightly praised by most critics), so these reactions do not surprise me. Here is what bothers me: those same people who criticized the film over a year ago just because Gaga had been cast and there were rumours of music being involved in the film, are now feeling justified in their distrust, and I have seen many who are already saying that "since Gaga was announced they knew the film was going to be crap"; Honestly, I dunno if this is a non-issue, but I am feeling somewhat bad because of it. Anyway, this was more of a vent than anything else, so feel free to tell me to go touch some grass. Luv to all.

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One thought on “Concerning Joker 2, Gaga, and online nerds.”
  1. I understand how you feel. I think it’s better to not get involved and avoid this discourse. There are always gonna be people who dislike something and go out of their way to tell it to the world. Obviously Joker’s audience is not all in for Gaga as we are, and they might say some cruel things. The other fandoms also add up to this. The important thing is that you enjoy it. It doesn’t really matter if it’s successful or well received by others. I have multiple movies that I absolutely adore while the general public hates it. I also won’t stop supporting Gaga’s movies and listening to her music if it’s not a massive success. So why intoxicate your brain with all these opinions that shouldn’t really influence how you feel

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