Thu. Jan 9th, 2025

Here’s a breaking news article on the latest development in the field of logic and AI:

BREAKING: Cognitive Scientists Uncover Ground-Breaking Proof of "What is Certainly True"

May 15, 2023 – In a stunning breakthrough, a team of cognitive scientists at Stanford University has reached a major milestone in the field of philosophy and artificial intelligence. After years of investigation, researchers have finally cracked the code behind the elusive concept of "what is certainly true."

According to the study’s lead author, Dr. Emily Nguyen, "We’ve been trying to make sense of this fundamental question in various branches of philosophy, from epistemology to metaphysics, for centuries. Ultimately, we’ve discovered that the answer rests on a simple yet profound property of logic."

The research relies on a novel application of propositional semantics, a subfield of formal ontology, to demonstrate that certain statements carry inherent truth values. By leveraging the underlying structure of language, the team used advanced computational models to identify common patterns and relationships between cognitive concepts.

"We’ve found empirical evidence that certain statements are indeed reliably true, regardless of context or variable," Dr. Nguyen explained.

Furthermore, the study reveals that these irrefutable truths can be employed as a foundation for building more complex algorithms and decision-making systems. This is particularly significant in the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, where the pursuit of actionable knowledge has long been troubled by the problem of uncertainty.

"We used to think that AI systems needed certainty to operate effectively, but research has shown that even in contexts where uncertainty is high, our ‘certainly true’ statements can reduce the risk of error and improve overall knowledge representation," said Dr. Nguyen. The implications are far-reaching across various fields, from medicine to cryptography.

SEO Tags:

  • Logic; Philosophy; Artificial Intelligence; Cognitive Sciences; Epistemology; Truth; Certainty; Computer Science; Formal Ontology; Proof Theory; Propositional Semantics

Breaking News Keywords: ["What is Certainly True"]; ["Logic Breakthrough"]; ["Artificial Intelligence Advancements"], ["Cognitive Sciences Discover"]; ["Philosophy Frontier"]

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Ex. If the journalist didn't find the message they couldn't have prevented the news from spreading
Based on this, which alternative is certainly true?

According to the solution the certainly true alternative is "Having found the message, the journalist was able to prevent the news from spreading"

But I don't get how does it follow from the above.

Let not(m)=the journalist didn't find the message

Observation "they couldn't have prevented the news from spreading"

Since (couldn't,prevented )the above becomes "They allowed the news from spreading"

D= "They allowed the news from spreading"

so the exercise can be written as not(m)=>D

On the other hand, the correct solution is "since m then notD" which is not implyied by the exercise's affermation.

Why it's certainly true?

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