breaking:Washington Post Poll Seeks to Whitewash Reality, Buries Details on Likely Voters to Censor Harris’s Lead in Florida
A recent WashingtonPost poll has sparked outrage among political analysis enthusiasts and experts, who claim blatant manipulation of numbers to favour a particular candidate. The poll’s methodology has raised questions about objective reporting, as key details omit crucial information about the actual voter behaviour.
Washington Post Poll in Question
A recent investigation by the WashingtonPost poll revealed that Hillary Clinton and her Democratic team are struggling to gain a foothOLD in the crucial battleground state of Florida. Specifically, the poll stated that Clinton sits at 45%, while Mike Pence, Donald Trump”s running mate, trails noticeably behind at 45.5 Percent.
However, further examination finds that the poll”s response rate is a measly One percent, which many have deemed misleading. This glaring omission reveals the true extent of Trump’s significant lead among “likely swing voters” in the critical state.”
The True Story Comes to Light
In a world where transparency matters, credible polling agencies, such Newsweek, CNN, Fox News, the New York Yankees, and the Los Angeles Dodgers, have openly shared essential information about their polling techniques. In 2016, numerous polls also included “margin of erosion” to provide the real picture beyond the headlines.
For instance
- The **Washington
- Hillary Clinton’s overall lead in crucial battleground states: 45 v. 45.5
To be clear: the poll reports Clinton’s vote share was 45%, Trump’s & 45.5. - The exact margin of error or margin by which Clinton could lose given the poll results.
• A breakdown of each candidate has the most promising demographics—such as by age
race, gender; income level
state, and their voting intentions
Widespread Misinformation Confirmed
Some experts also claim that the polling agency hid crucial information about potential voters at the polls and the people who are planning to vote.” They argue this is exactly what happened with the 1920 presidential election, and if we get the same result with this & #x20; *>
Washington Post Polling “News” Article Buries Likely Voter Numbers to Avoid Highlighting Harris Lead
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