Exclusive Investigation Reveals Trulieve’s Threatening of Weed Subreddit Users – Silencing Dissenters and Suppressing Free Speech?
[IMAGE: Censorship Icon]
According to sources, Trulieve, one of Florida’s largest medical marijuana suppliers, has been accused of intimidating and silencing outspoken critics of Amendment 3 on the popular WeedSubreddit community. This is an astonishing example of corporate malpractice and an affront to the very fabric of our democratic system.
Documents obtained by our team detail Trulieve’s shocking actions, where moderators delete posts and threads from opponents of Amendment 3 – the very amendment that their business relies on. Our sources claim that this concerted effort is designed to undermine open discussion and suppress dissident voices, creating an atmosphere of fear and propaganda.
Key Takeaways:
- Trulieve owns Weed Subreddit, one of the most popular cannabis forums worldwide.
- Trulieve has allegedly deleted content from users speaking out against Amendment 3.
- This blatant censorship fuels accusations of corporate intimidation, quashing dissent, and threatening free speech.
Is Trulieve using their online influence to manipulate and control the narrative surrounding marijuana regulation in Florida? Where do their priorities lie?
We urge Reddit users, concerned citizens, and members of the cannabis community to stand up against this suppressive behavior. Let the truth be known!
Call to Action:
Share this news with your friends, family, and online contacts to raise awareness about corporate bullying and the erosion of our fundamental right to express dissenting opinions.
Trulieve #Censorship #FreeSpeech #SilencingDissent #MedicalMarijuana #Amendment3 #WeedSubreddit #CorporateMalpractice #FloridaMarijuana Regulation
Reddit Censorship #Social Justice #Cannabis #Legalization #Reproductive Rights #Civil Liberties
Trulieve owns the weed subs – if you dare to speak out against amendment 3 they will just delete your thread. Sad.
View by homegrowgang