Breaking News: KH13 Shares New Interview Translations, Accuracy Concerns Arise
Update: April 14, 2023, 10:30 AM EST
KH13, a popular Kingdom Hearts fan site, has shared new interview translations featuring notable developers from Square Enix. However, there has been a sudden backlash on social media regarding the accuracy of the translations. Some fans are expressing doubts and concerns about the veracity of the information shared, calling for further clarification from KH13.
Full Context:
The translations are derived from an interview between Tetsuya Nomura (the series’ director and character designer) and the game’s scenario writer, Kazushige Nojima. The discussion primarily centers around the upcoming Kingdom Hearts game, Kingdom Hearts IV.
Concerns Emerge:
Fans and gaming enthusiasts have taken to Twitter and other social media platforms to express their misgivings about the translated content. Some notable inconsistencies and mistranslations have been pointed out, causing a stir among the KH community.
"I’m worried that the translations might not accurately convey the developers’ original intentions. As fans, we rely on trusted sources to provide us with correct information. KH13 usually does a great job, but this time, something seems off." – John D., KH Fan Since 2002
Kh13’s Response:
At the time of this writing, KH13 has not issued an official statement addressing the concerns or commenting on the accuracy of their translations. Fans are patiently waiting for clarification and potential corrections.
Why Accurate Translations Matter:
In the gaming industry, accurate translations can be crucial for fans worldwide, providing a deeper understanding of a game’s story, mechanics, and development. With the Kingdom Hearts series spanning multiple games and movies, the slightest miscommunication can lead to confusion, fan speculation, and a possible erosion of trust among enthusiasts.
Stay Informed:
As more details emerge, we’ll be keeping a close eye on the situation and updating you with any new developments, official statements, or clarity from KH13.
SEO Tags:
kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts iv, kh13, tetsuya nomura, kazushige nojima, interview, translations, accuracy concerns, gaming news, Square Enix, kh series, kh fans, gaming enthusiasts, kh community
This interview was translated by Ryuji who has a less-than-stellar track record with translations. So, don't assume everything in them is 100% accurate.
This is the same person who did the early 20th anniversary translations that led people to believe that Nomura was deciding whether or not to call the newest game "KH4" or "Verum Rex". But Nomura was actually talking about whether or not to make KH4 or Verum Rex next.
Even in KH13's translation, Ryuji mentions they aren't sure how to translate certain things in this interview.
This interview does imply that Nomura's retirement was more of a joke than a serious thing with him joking about which will happen first, his retirement or the end of the series.
View by ZeroSora
At least they do admit having issues with certain parts of this interview.