Breaking News: Whooping Cough Wave Reaches Crisis Levels Amid Back-to-School Surge – CBS News
Search Terms: Whooping cough outbreak, back-to-school surge, worst in almost a decade, pertussis cases rise, CBS News reports
Los Angeles, CA – August 20, 2023 – The latest surge in whooping cough cases has reached alarming levels, with the number of reported cases skyrocketing amidst the back-to-school rush, according to CBS News. This wave of whooping cough, also known as pertussis, has reached its worst in almost a decade, putting the entire country on high alert.
Pertussis Cases Rise Across the Country
According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cases of pertussis have surged by over 300% compared to the same period last year. California, Texas, and New York have been hit particularly hard, with multiple reports of outbreaks in schools, childcare centers, and households.
Why the Increase?
Health experts are citing a combination of factors for the sudden spike in pertussis cases. Chief among them is the typical back-to-school rush, which sees millions of students and teachers returning to class, creating an environment conducive to the spread of infectious diseases.
Additionally, declining vaccination rates among adolescents and adults are also playing a significant role in the increase in cases. Research suggests that adults who were vaccinated as children may still have some immunity, but over time, this protection wears off, leaving them susceptible to infection.
The Consequences
While most people who contract whooping cough will recover on their own, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that this highly contagious disease can lead to serious complications, especially for:
- Unvaccinated individuals, particularly children under the age of 6 months who are too young to be vaccinated
- Pregnant women, who are more likely to develop severe illness and have complications
- People with weakened immune systems, such as those with chronic medical conditions or receiving cancer treatment
The Impact on Education
School closures and vaccination requirements have already been implemented in some areas to contain the outbreak. Education officials are also emphasizing the importance of regular handwashing, covering mouths when coughing, and avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
Vaccination Remains Key to Prevention
According to the CDC, a single dose of pertussis vaccine is not sufficient to provide long-term immunity. The agency recommends adolescents receive a booster dose between ages 11-18 and adults receive a single dose as part of routine adult vaccinations.
Prevention Measures
To avoid falling victim to this crisis, health experts recommend taking the following precautions:
- Get vaccinated: Make sure you and your children are up-to-date on their pertussis vaccinations.
- Wash your hands frequently: Handwashing is essential in preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses.
- Avoid close contact with those who are sick: Practice social distancing and avoid shaking hands or sharing personal items with people who show signs of illness.
- Cover your mouth and nose: When coughing or sneezing, use a tissue and immediately dispose of it in the trash.
CBS News Report
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Related Tags: pertussis outbreak, back-to-school surge, vaccine requirements, handwashing, prevention measures, CBS News report
Whooping cough wave now worst in almost a decade amid back-to-school surge – CBS News
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